<B>truck farmer</B> or <B>gardener,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> a person who operates a truck farm. </DL>
<A NAME="truckfarming">
<B>truck farming</B> or <B>gardening,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> the business of operating a truck farm. </DL>
<A NAME="trucking">
<B>trucking</B> (1), noun.<DL COMPACT><DD><B> 1. </B>the act or business of carrying goods or articles on a truck or trucks. <DD><B> 2. </B><B>=truckage.</B> <DD><B> 3. </B>a slow, shuffling cakewalk, danced with the index finger of one hand pointed upward. <DD><B> 4. </B>(U.S. Slang.) the act of walking or marching, especially for a cause. <BR> <I>Ex. One poster taped on the wall ... bears the caption: Let's Keep On Truckin' (Saturday Review).</I> </DL>
<A NAME="trucking">
<B>trucking</B> (2), noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> the raising of vegetables for market; truck farming. </DL>
<A NAME="truckle">
<B>truckle</B> (1), verb, <B>-led,</B> <B>-ling.</B><DL COMPACT><DD><I>v.i. </I> <B>1. </B>to give up or submit tamely; be servile. <BR> <I>Ex. That man got his position by trucking to his superiors and flattering them.</I> (SYN) cringe, fawn. <DD><B> 2. </B>(Obsolete.) to trundle. <DD><I>v.t. </I> (Obsolete.) to trundle. </DL>
<A NAME="truckle">
<B>truckle</B> (2), noun.<DL COMPACT><DD><B> 1. </B>a small wheel, especially a grooved wheel of a pulley. <DD><B> 2. </B>(Dialect.) a small roller; caster. <DD><B> 3. </B><B>=trundle bed.</B> </DL>
<A NAME="trucklebed">
<B>truckle bed,</B> =trundle bed.</DL>
<A NAME="truckler">
<B>truckler, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> a person who truckles or acts with servility. </DL>
<A NAME="trucklingly">
<B>trucklingly, </B>adverb.<DL COMPACT><DD> in a truckling manner. </DL>
<A NAME="truckload">
<B>truckload, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> as much or as many as a truck can carry. <BR> <I>Ex. truckloads of fish.</I> </DL>
<A NAME="truckman">
<B>truckman, </B>noun, pl. <B>-men.</B><DL COMPACT><DD> a man who drives a truck; trucker. </DL>
<A NAME="truckshop">
<B>truck shop</B> or <B>store,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> a store at which vouchers given to workers can be exchanged for goods. </DL>
<A NAME="trucksystem">
<B>truck system,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> the system of paying wages in goods or kind, rather than in money. </DL>
<A NAME="trucktractor">
<B>truck tractor,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> a motor truck consisting of a cab and engine, used to pull a truck trailer; tractor. </DL>
<A NAME="trucktrailer">
<B>truck trailer,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> a trailer designed to be pulled by a motor truck, especially by a truck tractor. </DL>
<A NAME="truculence">
<B>truculence, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> the quality or condition of being truculent: <DD><B> a. </B>fierceness and cruelty; brutal harshness. <DD><B> b. </B>belligerent or defiant quality. <BR> <I>Ex. There was a jaunty truculence in the President's voice as he spelled out what the order would mean (Reporter).</I> </DL>
<A NAME="truculency">
<B>truculency, </B>noun. =truculence.</DL>
<A NAME="truculent">
<B>truculent, </B>adjective.<DL COMPACT><DD><B> 1. </B>fierce, savage, or violent. <BR> <I>Ex. a truculent bully, to be in a truculent mood, a truculent defense of one's rights.</I> (SYN) brutal. <DD><B> 2. </B>brutally harsh or scathing. <BR> <I>Ex. a truculent remark, truculent satire. Voltaire is never either gross or truculent (Viscount Morley).</I> <DD><B> 3. </B>belligerent or defiant. <DD><B> 4. </B>(Obsolete.) (of a disease) very dangerous; deadly. adv. <B>truculently.</B> </DL>
<A NAME="trudge">
<B>trudge, </B>verb, <B>trudged,</B> <B>trudging,</B> noun.<DL COMPACT><DD><I>v.i. </I> <B>1. </B>to go on foot; walk. <DD><B> 2. </B>to walk heavily, wearily, or with effort, but steadily and persistently. <BR> <I>Ex. Let's ... shoulder our bundles and trudge along (Louisa May Alcott).</I> <DD><B> 3. </B>(Figurative:) <BR> <I>Ex. to trudge through a dull book.</I> (SYN) plod. <DD><I>v.t. </I> to travel (a distance) by trudging; trudge along or over. <DD><I>noun </I> <B>1. </B>the act of trudging; hard or weary going; plodding. <DD><B> 2. </B>a hard or weary walk. <BR> <I>Ex. It was a long trudge up the hill.</I> <DD><B> 3. </B>a person who trudges; trudger. </DL>
<A NAME="trudgenstroke">
<B>trudgen stroke,</B> or <B>trudgen, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> a swimming stroke in which the arms, alternately, are raised over the head and brought down and back parallel with the body, usually done with a scissors kick similar to the breaststroke. </DL>
<A NAME="trudger">
<B>trudger</B> (1), noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> a person who trudges. </DL>
<A NAME="trudger">
<B>trudger</B> (2), noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> a swimmer who uses the trudgen stroke. </DL>
<A NAME="true">
<B>true, </B>adjective, <B>truer,</B> <B>truest,</B> noun, verb, <B>trued,</B> <B>truing</B> or <B>trueing,</B> adverb.<DL COMPACT><DD><I>adj. </I> <B>1. </B>agreeing with fact; not false. <BR> <I>Ex. It is true that 6 and 4 are 10. The story he told is true; he did not make it up.</I> <DD><B> 2. </B>real; genuine. <BR> <I>Ex. true gold, true kindness.</I> <DD><B> 3. </B>faithful; loyal. <BR> <I>Ex. a true patriot, my truest friend, true to your promises.</I> (SYN) constant, staunch. <DD><B> 4. </B>agreeing with a standard; right; proper; correct; exact; accurate. <BR> <I>Ex. a true voice, true to type. This is a true copy of my letter.</I> <DD><B> 5. </B>representative of the class named. <BR> <I>Ex. A sweet potato is not a true potato.</I> <DD><B> 6. </B>rightful; lawful. <BR> <I>Ex. the true heir to the property.</I> <DD><B> 7. </B>(Figurative.) reliable; sure. <BR> <I>Ex. a true sign.</I> <DD><B> 8. </B>accurately formed, fitted, or placed. <BR> <I>Ex. a true angle.</I> <DD><B> 9. </B>steady, as in direction or force; unchanging. <BR> <I>Ex. The arrow made a true course through the air.</I> <DD><B> 10. </B>(Archaic.) truthful. <DD><B> 11. </B><B>=honest.</B> <DD><I>noun </I> <B>1. </B>that which is true. <DD><B> 2. </B>exact or accurate formation, position, or adjustment. <BR> <I>Ex. A slanting door is out of true.</I> <DD><I>v.t. </I> to make true; shape, place, or make, as in the exact position, place, or form required. <BR> <I>Ex. If the combination is a lens, it must be trued (Hardy and Perrin).</I> <DD><I>adv. </I> <B>1. </B>in a true manner; truly; exactly. <BR> <I>Ex. His words ring true.</I> <DD><B> 2. </B>in agreement with the ancestral type. <BR> <I>Ex. to breed true.</I> <BR><I>expr. <B>come true,</B> </I>to happen as expected; become real; <BR> <I>Ex. To pack up fragments of a dream, Part of which comes true (Shelley).</I> <BR><I>expr. <B>true up,</B> </I>to make true; shape, place, or make, as in the exact position, place, or form required. <BR> <I>Ex. The clerks, figuring that the weapons had been damaged during the trip over ... trued up quite a number of blades (New Yorker).</I> noun <B>trueness.</B> </DL>
<A NAME="truebill">
<B>true bill,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> a bill of indictment found by a grand jury to be supported by enough evidence to justify hearing the case. </DL>
<A NAME="trueblue">
<B>true blue,</B><DL COMPACT><DD><B> 1. </B>an especially nonfading blue dye or coloring matter. <DD><B> 2. </B>the blue taken as their badge by the Scottish Covenanters of the 1600's. <DD><B> 3. </B>a Scottish Covenanter. <DD><B> 4. </B>the faith of the Scottish Covenanters; Presbyterianism. </DL>
<A NAME="trueblue">
<B>true-blue, </B>adjective.<DL COMPACT><DD> staunch and unwavering, as in one's faith or beliefs; unchanging; loyal. <BR> <I>Ex. If you're true-blue, you'll keep the promise you've made. Tom's true-blue. He won't desert (Mark Twain).</I> (SYN) faithful. </DL>
<A NAME="trueborn">
<B>true-born</B> or <B>trueborn, </B>adjective.<DL COMPACT><DD> born of a pure stock; legitimately born; having the sterling qualities associated with such descent. <BR> <I>Ex. a true-born nobleman.</I> </DL>
<A NAME="truefalse">
<B>true-false, </B>adjective.<DL COMPACT><DD> having to do with or containing statements which must be marked as either true or false. <BR> <I>Ex. a true-false test, true-false questions.</I> </DL>
<B>true level,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> an imaginary line or plane perpendicular at all points to the plumb line. </DL>
<A NAME="truelife">
<B>true-life, </B>adjective.<DL COMPACT><DD><B> 1. </B>of or belonging to life; not fictitious; real-life; actual. <BR> <I>Ex. a true-life hero.</I> <DD><B> 2. </B><B>=true-to-life.</B> </DL>
<A NAME="truelove">
<B>truelove, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD><B> 1. </B>a faithful lover; loyal sweetheart. <DD><B> 2. </B>a person to whom love is pledged; eternal sweetheart; beloved. <BR> <I>Ex. My truelove hath my heart and I have his (Philip Sidney).</I> <DD><B> 3. </B>the herb Paris, whose whorl of four leaves with a single flower or berry in the midst suggests the figure of a truelove knot. </DL>
<A NAME="trueloveknot">
<B>truelove knot,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> a complicated bowknot, not easily untied, used as a token or symbol of eternal love. </DL>
<A NAME="trueloversknot">
true-lover's knot, =truelove knot.</DL>
<A NAME="truepenny">
<B>truepenny, </B>noun, pl. <B>-nies.</B><DL COMPACT><DD> (Archaic.) an honest person; trustworthy fellow. </DL>
<A NAME="trueribs">
<B>true ribs,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> ribs which articulate with the sternum or breastbone, in man the first seven pairs. </DL>
<A NAME="truetime">
<B>true time,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> mean time; solar time. </DL>
<A NAME="truetolife">
<B>true-to-life, </B>adjective.<DL COMPACT><DD> consistent with, exactly agreeing with, or faithful to life; realistic. <BR> <I>Ex. true-to-life illustrations. He ... gives an entertaining and true-to-life account of how an orchestra does its work (Manchester Guardian).</I> </DL>
<A NAME="trueviper">
<B>true viper,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> a poisonous, Old-World snake, that has no pit between the eye and nostrils. </DL>
<A NAME="truevocalcords">
<B>true vocal cords,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> the lower pair of vocal cords, which produce the sound of voice. </DL>
<A NAME="truffle">
<B>truffle, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD><B> 1. </B>afungus that grows underground and is valued as food. It has a black, warty exterior and varies in size between that of a walnut and that of a potato. Truffles are native to central and southern Europe. <DD><B> 2. </B>a soft, creamy chocolate candy, often filled with finely ground filberts. </DL>
<A NAME="truffled">
<B>truffled, </B>adjective.<DL COMPACT><DD> cooked, garnished, or stuffed with truffles. </DL>
<A NAME="trufflehound">
<B>truffle hound,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> a dog or pig trained to find truffles by their scent. </DL>